App Review: PearlDiver

I’m a sucker for the free apps. There’s no risk involved, if the app’s no good, you’ve lost nothing but maybe five minutes of your time. Which brings me to PearlDiver, a free maths app that is well worth the price of admission.

My general rule is; if it’s free and it contains some sort of value then get it on the iPad. So go do that now, this one is a winner.

PearlDiver is based on number lines. The number lines get harder and more detailed, beginning at 0-10, then -5 – +5 and halves etc. Students need to line the diver up with the spot on the number line that represents the selected number. It’s a little bit fun and a great little interactive exercise if covering this topic. Maths apps fall into one of two categories; teaching or practising. This is of the practise variety.

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